Tag Archives: story

Continuum: True Bliss

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This story is a continuation (yes I realise the title pun), these are the links to the parts that precede this….. The first and the second

Seandar walked like a man stalked. There were reasons for this (as usual). One was that he was in reality being physically stalked, he could feel the stranger creeping in his wake. He had yet to catch a glimpse of its existence but the feeling curled around his spine in that ineffable way that one felt when one was being watched. Continue reading

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Treaties on “chicken”

The “chicken” is one of the most contested topics in modern day society. Individuals find themselves mostly unable to define succinctly what “chicken” is, many choose to voice questions as regards the biological representation of the word and while the assumption is not totally incorrect, it isn’t what we mean when we say the “chicken”.

To examine this further, the mostly grounded avian livestock is usually found in domestic haunts and is used as a source of food by many organisms. The “chicken” topic we asked about, we are moderately sure, cannot be ingested physically. More so, any attempt to perform this act would leave the consumer in an otherwise comatose state.

While it may be a rare occurrence, some people of questionable sanity have raised the assertion that the “chicken” refers to a household pet. Even as we consider the direct implications, we understand that every singular being is allowed his/her own set of beliefs and preferences. Nevertheless, the “chicken” is NOT a household pet.

Somehow over the course of evolution, man has lost its cognizance of “chicken”, early archeological findings show that our prehistorical counterparts understood fully this lost concept. It could even be said that……..

Alright, this is a load of crap, I’ll admit. You didn’t come here to read this kind of crap, you’re here for the more riveting, juicy, laughter inducing, thought projecting kind.

And here it is…. Continue reading

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This Rock

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There was this rock. I came across it on a morning similar to any other. It was half my height and twice my weight, ask not how I was sure of this fact. Nevertheless, it was immovable. Somehow this stone was unique, it was different from any other I had come across before, and make no mistake, I had seen my share of awesome stones.

This stone was different only because it was. Continue reading

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