Tag Archives: new beginings


It is with a confusing mix of pride and modesty that I give life to what this post already means.


those three exclamation points aren’t even enough…. I’m just going to go ahead and add a few more.


I recently (if a month-plus counts as that) stumbled into a snaring snarling web of responsibility and uncertainty. I’ve got to admit also, that I was experiencing a block for a while (we’ve all had one). I’m so happy it’s over… but I have a few things taken my time now, and one of them is named survival. How hard is it to live all by yourself! I know right! I have to think of mundane things like food, *sigh*, i might have to pick up hunting.

Henceforth, it might be a little hard, I will assail the insurmountable odds my own indolence presents and create something once in a while, for myself, for you.


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